Answering the Call to Chaplaincy
| MNA Online Issue, MNA Online: July 2022
Presbyterian & Reformed Chaplain Commission (PRCC) is doing incredible work in Chaplain Ministries! With the US Army now accepting LAMP Graduates with their Mdiv as candidates for chaplaincy, this information is helpful for those answering the call to this growing & rewarding ministry!
Chaplaincy offers great opportunities for ministry. PRCC has church planters who are also Military Reserve Chaplains, Hospital Chaplains, or Prison Chaplains. They have Senior Pastors who have served in their local churches for years who are also ministering to their local Police and Fire Departments. Chaplaincy opportunities are truly everywhere and they often “marry” well with church ministry.
Besides the military, PRCC is honored to serve and endorse men in Veteran’s Affairs, Bureau of Prisons, Professional and Regional Sports ministries, Hospice, Hospital, the FBI, and even the corporate world. They even have a Chaplain who served as a Hospital Chaplain for many years and then as his “retirement” ministry has just begun working – as a civilian – with the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary. An amazing opportunity to meet a great need, and all because he had Chaplain experience and sought out where God might use him.
PRCC has the unique and wonderful opportunity to be the official Ecclesiastical Endorser for seven Reformed and Presbyterian Denominations. (OPC, PCA, ARPC, RPCNA, KAPC, KPCA, URCNA), which equates to about 322 Chaplains. They endorse all the military services both active duty and reserve. For many students, there’s a program called the Chaplain Candidate Program, where the Candidate is able to work alongside a military chaplain and their team in a reserve status, while receiving military pay and benefits that can greatly help with seminary costs. This is a great first step in beginning with PRCC. Students can decide to follow on and become an Active Duty Chaplain.
For those interested in getting started with a call to Chaplaincy, we encourage you to take a look through the links below to learn more.
Helpful Links & Resources:
Presbyterian & Reformed Chaplain Commission
How To Become A Military Chaplain