Don Sampson
Chaplain Ministries Associate Coordinator, Military Chaplaincy
Dr. Don Sampson began serving as an Associate Endorser with PRCC/MNA Chaplain Ministries on July 1st, 2020. He previously served as the pastor of Crossroads Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Woodbridge, Virginia, having led the effort to plant Crossroads in 2002.
Don was raised in Prospect Heights, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. Upon graduation in 1982 from the State University of New York at Oswego, Don was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the in U.S. Marine Corps. He served 14 years on active duty until answering God’s call to resign his commission and enter vocational ministry as a pastor. Don thoroughly enjoyed his active duty career in the Marines while assigned to three helicopter squadrons as a CH-46 helicopter pilot and as the Air Officer for two infantry battalions. His designations include Aviation Safety Officer, Weapons & Tactics Instructor, and Forward Air Controller. He is a graduate of the Marine Corps Expeditionary Warfare School. Don’s overseas deployments brought him to Okinawa (Japan), the Republic of Korea, the Mediterranean Sea, and to Somalia.
After resigning from active duty as a major, Don entered the Marine Corps Reserve. His tours as a reservist included Battalion Air Officer, Regimental Air Officer, and Staff Officer with the MAGTF Staff Training Program. His final tour with the Reserves was at National Defense University in Washington, D.C. He retired in 2007 at the rank of colonel. Throughout his career, Don always appreciated the ministry of military chaplains and was honored to represent the PCA as a commissioner of the Presbyterian and Reformed Commission on Chaplains and Military Personnel (PRCC) from 2017-2020.
Don graduated from Covenant Theological Seminary in 2000 with a Master of Divinity. His seminary studies included a three-week course at Jerusalem University College on the geographical and historical settings of the Bible. Don earned his Doctor of Ministry at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in 2019. His DMin project was Equipping the Men of Crossroads Presbyterian Church for Spiritual Warfare.
He has been very happily married to the former Nancy Lueking of Springfield, Virginia for 38 years. The Sampsons are blessed with two grown daughters and two sons-in- law.