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Church Planter Assessment Center

Church Planter Assessment Center

Why Be Assessed?

Planting a new church is a ministry requiring special gifts, abilities, experiences and calling distinct from typical pastoral ministry.

The MNA Assessment Center is a three-day event used to help evaluate interested pastors in the specific competencies for church planting. Some of the competencies include:

Vital Spiritual Life: exhibiting a compelling walk with God; living by grace, practicing love.

Strong Prayer Life: depending on God through prayer as a priority.

Personal Integrity: exercising strong biblical morality and principles in daily life.

Family Life: developing growing love relationships among family members who share the vision of ministry.

Evangelism: cooperating with God in leading people to salvation.

Visionary Leadership: leading others with grace to accomplish God’s plan.

Preaching: proclaiming God’s Word confidently

Church Planter Assessment Center

Church Planter Assessment Center


Jenny Dorsey


Gifts via check / money order made payable to MNA should be mailed to:

Mission to North America
P.O. Box 890233
Charlotte, NC 28289-0233