Native American and First Nations Ministries
Native American and First Nations Ministries
The vision
It has been said, “Native Americans are not unreached people groups; they are mis-reached people.” After 500 years it is estimated that only 2-5% of Indigenous people profess to be believers.
It is Mission to North America’s commitment to build meaningful and strong relationships with our Native American and First Nation brothers and sisters. We are looking to plant churches in urban, reservation and rural centers that have strong Native populations. We advocate for a call to reconciliation and common story identity among our churches and presbyteries that lead us to a fresh, deeper love and respect for our “First Neighbors.”
Ministry Links
Jeb Bland
Gifts via check / money order made payable to MNA should be mailed to:
Mission to North America
P.O. Box 890233
Charlotte, NC 28289-0233