Equipping women to face the complex world of church planting
Parakaleo exists to equip women to face the complex world of church planting by providing a grid for viewing life and ministry challenges through the gospel. Our mission is to come alongside women in church planting with the gospel and our lives. Our vision is to see every woman in church planting trained, supported, and valued.
Parakaleo’s interactive training is firmly based in gospel theology, informed by educational theory, and influenced by ongoing research. We train, support, and encourage women in church planting through one-on-one coaching, process groups, and training intensives all uniquely designed to meet women in whatever season of ministry they are currently in.
To make a donation, click the link to give online or mail a check (payable to Parakaleo Ministry) to:

Gifts via check / money order made payable to MNA should be mailed to:
Mission to North America
P.O. Box 890233
Charlotte, NC 28289-0233