LAMP Seminary’s Ministry & Life Experience Courses
| MNA Online: March 2022, Uncategorized
The LAMP Program includes 6 “Ministry and Life Experience” (MLE) courses. These courses are designed to give students credit for their ministry involvement in the local church while going through the LAMP program, and are a requirement as they progress in their studies. This component is one of LAMP’s values of training.
We have compiled some examples of how our students are completing their involvement for their ministry and life experience courses. There is a wide variety of student ministry involvement in areas such as campus outreach, family and children’s ministry programs, youth leaders, intermittent preaching, Elders, and Deacons.
Daniel Hill
St Andrews, Columbia SC
Daniel currently serves as regional director of Campus Outreach Columbia. This allows him to have regular shepherding meetings with their 45 member staff, training, one on one mentoring relationships with the leadership team, leading the regional leadership team with vision and health, small group bible studies, public speaking , and regular evangelism.
Pierre A Massa
Hope Chapel, Miami FL
Pierre has been facilitating the church Married Couples Ministry. He has been involved in Prayer Ministry and worked on the Church Social Media Team as well.
Jason Fulmer
St. Andrews Presbyterian, Columbia, SC
Jason has been involved as a deacon and as the Mens Ministry Coordinator. He is a serving chairman currently and focuses on establishing protocol around managing the newly purchased church property and expanding other areas such as ushers and greeters. Jason also works in the hospitality ministry where he and his wife coordinate church wide events with other volunteers.
Aaron Raines
Trinity Grace Church, Rogers, AR
Aaron serves as a ruling elder, leading small groups, preaching when needed, teaching youth lessons, planning and leading the liturgy and music in worship weekly. He makes shepherding and ministry home visits to church members as well.
Jeanette Simpson
St Andrews Presbyterian, Columbia SC
Jeanette is employed by St. Andrews Presbyterian as the Director of Children’s Ministry. She coordinates and plans all curriculum, activities, and events for children ranging in ages from infant through 6th grade.
Andrew Jordan
St. Andrews Presbyterian, Columbia SC
Andrew has served as an elder at Rivercrest Presbyterian Church for the last 6 months, where he has had the opportunity to shepherd young adults in the community group. He is also a pastoral intern where he oversees community has had the opportunity to teach and preach as well as help organize church events.
Todd Patterson
New Hope PCA, Olathe KS
Todd oversees the Marriage and Family Ministry, Youth Sunday School, and the Children’s Ministry curriculum.
It is a great encouragement to see how students in the program are using their ministry involvement to further enhance their program studies.
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