Just as much goes into pastoral formation, so also developing a pastor to be a church planter requires development. The Center for Church Planting at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, NC provides both the theoretical and the hands-on experience needed to develop the core competencies of their students. In this webinar, the Director, Dr. Dean Faulkner, along with students and plants, will discuss the benefits of the program at RTS-Charlotte.
Dean Faulkner is Director of the Center for Church Planting at RTS Charlotte. He is also the Lead Pastor at his second church plant – South Charlotte Pres. The Center work is his side hustle for the kingdom where he helps reproduce planters and future leaders.
Sign up for their monthly newsletter for ongoing information and opportunity to pray for this new church plant.
Alberto Paredes is a student at RTS-C with A Church Planting Emphasis and is a pastoral Intern at Christ Covenant Church, Matthews, under Kevin DeYoung.
Alberto also produces reformed resources, largely in short articles, in Spanish. Check it out at: www.enviados.org. There is a book review section that is in English at: https://enviados.org/book-reviews/